Monday, November 14, 2011

New Sly 4 Pics of Rioichi in Action!!!

If you played the original Sly Cooper, you may remember Sly’s ninja ancestor Rioichi Cooper, creator of the Ninja Spire Landing and, in the game, sushi. Rioichi’s in a bit of a jam after being framed for poisoning the Shogun, so Sly and the gang decide to help him out. Later on, after you’ve freed him, Rioichi becomes a fully playable character, voiced by Steven Blum of Wolverine and Bulletstorm fame. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Sly 4) Finally Has A Release Date

According to Gamestop, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time will be released on 5/31/2012!!!    I can't wait!!! What do you think of the game? Tell me in the comments below.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Gameplay PAX 2011

Check out this gameplay footage from the upcoming game Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. This is footage from the PAX convention. Enjoy :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time El Jefe Teaser San Diego Comic Con (SDCC)

SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) Preview of Sly 4 El Jefe

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Teaser Trailer E3 2011

Sly 4 E3 2011

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Teaser Trailer. Sly Collection

Here ya go...

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Sly 4) Concept Art

 Ahhhh, who doesn't love the silhouette of Inspector Carmelita Fox.
 Who could this be? A Friend? A Foe? The Main Villain of Sly 4 Thieves in Time? Only Time Will Tell (No Pun Intended).
 Yes! It's our old "Greasy Sweet" pal, Dimitri!
 "The Murray knows no song other than the triumphant horn section of his own triumph!"
 "Hey Bentley, I think I'm seeing things..."
 According to my calculations, this appears to be a photograph of Bentley.

                                       Some more Concept art of Sly from the E3 trailer

Hey Guys...

Hey guys, The purpose of my little blog website here is to keep you all updated on the newest Sly Cooper news. For those of you who are not familiar with Sly Cooper, it is a is a series of action-stealth platforming video games for the PS2 (Playstation 2) and PS3 (Playstation 3). The first three games were developed by Sucker Punch Productions and then passed on to Sanzaru Games who produced the Sly Collection (a remastered version of all three of the original Sly games) and is currently in production of the fourth Sly game: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. "The focus of the story is of Sly Cooper, a young adult raccoon and the latest descendant in a line of master thieves who pass down their expert techniques from generation to generation using the "Thievius Racoonus," a book which contains all the Cooper family's secrets and tricks. While the Cooper family has accumulated a massive amount of wealth through their thieving ways, Sly places greater value on his friendship with his partners, Bentley and Murray, and his flirting and teasing relationship with Inspector Carmelita Fox. (Wikipedia article: Sly Cooper)" The Sly Cooper video games have received great reviews. Sly has also appeared in comic books, toys, T-shirts, and in a video game not having to do with the Sly Cooper series called Playstation Move Heroes (a crossover game featuring Sly and Bentley, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter that uses the Playstation Move to control the characters).

Well guys, thats all I have for now, stay tuned for more updates on the Sly world here.